Ex Parte Birrenkott et al - Page 16

                Appeal 2006-1127                                                                              
                Application 10/712,970                                                                        
                dependent from claim 27, under 35 U.S.C. § 102(b) as being anticipated by                     
                Norman, for reasons given above.                                                              
                       REJECTION UNDER  35 U.S.C. § 103(a) OVER NORMAN                                        
                      Claims 10, 13, 18, and 26 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as                    
                being unpatentable over Norman.                                                               
                      Since Appellants’ arguments treat these claims as a group in the Brief                  
                and the Reply Brief, we address them likewise.  We focus on claims 10, 13                     
                and 18 only as claim 26 is dependent from claim 19, the rejection of which                    
                has not been sustained.                                                                       
                      Claims 10 and 13 respectively recite “the cartridge is made of flexible                 
                plastic” and “the check valve includes a duckbill portion and an umbrella                     
                portion.”  The Examiner contends that these claim features are known in the                   
                prior art by taking official notice and by citing references in support of this               
                official notice (Answer 14-15).  For the limitation of claim 18 of a hose                     
                coupler with an anti-siphon unit, the Examiner relies on Appellants’                          
                Specification disclosure on page 5, paragraph 26 to evince it is known in the                 
                prior art (Answer 15).  The Examiner’s conclusion of obviousness provides                     
                reasons why it would have been obvious to modify Norman’s device to                           
                include the features recited in these claims (Answer 14-15).                                  
                      In the Brief, Appellants seem to have challenged the Examiner’s                         
                reliance on official notice to meet these limitations (Br. para. bridging 15-                 
                16).  In response to Appellants’ apparent challenge, the Examiner provided                    
                the above noted citations of references and of Appellants’ Specification.                     
                      Appellants reply:                                                                       
                                   It is . . . noted, that all of the section 103                             
                             rejections are based on Norman alone or in                                       
                             combination with another reference. However,                                     


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