Ex Parte Birrenkott et al - Page 19

                Appeal 2006-1127                                                                              
                Application 10/712,970                                                                        
                motivation, to regulate/control the flow, can be found in Packard at column                   
                3, lines 20-23” (Answer para. bridging 21-22).                                                
                      In reply, Appellants again rely on the general argument that the cited                  
                combination fails to include all of the limitations of the rejected claim                     
                (Reply Br. 11).                                                                               
                      We have addressed this general argument with respect to claims 10,                      
                13 and 18 and are unpersuaded by it for reasons discussed above.  We add                      
                the following primarily for emphasis and completeness.                                        
                      In addressing Appellants’ arguments concerning a lack of disclosure,                    
                teaching or suggestion to combine the references, the Examiner particularly                   
                points to column 3, lines 20-23 of Packard, which specifically states that “a                 
                slide plate is so mounted that any one of a series of orifices or openings                    
                therethrough may be located to control the flow of liquid into the spray                      
                nozzle.”  Appellants have presented no arguments addressing the motivation                    
                highlighted by the Examiner other than a conclusory statement that the                        
                combination fails to meet the limitations of claim 6.                                         
                      Thus, we agree with the Examiner that “it would have been obvious to                    
                a person having ordinary skill in the art at the time of the invention to have                
                provided the metering disc of Packard to the device of Norman to                              
                regulate/control the flow [of the fluid from the cartridge]” (Answer para.                    
                bridging 15-16).                                                                              
                      Accordingly, we sustain the obviousness rejection of claim 6.                           
                      Claims 22 and 30 depend from claims 19 and 27, respectively, the                        
                rejections of which have not been sustained.  Accordingly, we will also not                   
                sustain the obviousness rejection of claim 22 and 30 for the reasons                          
                presented above.                                                                              


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