Ex Parte Birrenkott et al - Page 18

                Appeal 2006-1127                                                                              
                Application 10/712,970                                                                        
                 REJECTION UNDER 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) OVER NORMAN IN VIEW OF                                    
                      Claims 6, 22, and 30 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as being                   
                unpatentable over Norman in view of Packard.                                                  
                      Packard teaches the use of a metering disc 55 to regulate the amount                    
                of fluid that flows from a cartridge (Figures 1 and 2; col. 3, lines 20-23).                  
                      Claim 6 recites the metering orifice of claim 1 to be “on a metering                    
                disc that is adjustable to select one of several orifice sizes.”  The Examiner                
                relies on Packard to teach a metering disc 55 in a spray gun/cartridge                        
                arrangement (Answer 15).  The Examiner concludes that “[i]t would have                        
                been obvious to a person having ordinary skill in the art at the time of the                  
                invention to have provided the metering disc of Packard to the device of                      
                Norman to regulate/control the flow [of the cartridge liquid]” (Answer para.                  
                bridging 15-16).                                                                              
                      Appellants argue that “even if a metering disc was to be included in                    
                the Norman invention, the resulting product still would not possess all of the                
                claimed limitations set forth [in claim 1]” (Br. 17).  Appellants also argue                  
                that “Packard adds nothing more than disclosure of a rotatable disk with a                    
                series of holes in conjunction with a spraying device consisting of a spray                   
                gun and a container. Therefore, a combination of Norman and Packard does                      
                not disclose, teach or suggest the limitations found in claim[] 6” (Br. para.                 
                bridging 17-18).                                                                              
                      The Examiner responds that “Packard is not relied on for the                            
                limitations found in [claim 1, from which claim 6 depends]. Rather, Packard                   
                is only relied on for the teaching of the rotatable metering disk 55. The                     


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