Ex Parte Briand et al - Page 6

         Appeal No. 2006-1240                                                       
         Application No. 10/075,839                                                 
         the best matching vector over two successive blocks or regions R           
         is performed, it is done after the decision step S530 (Figure 8)           
         wherein the absolute difference between the motion vector and the          
         vector profile is compared with a threshold (col. 6, lines 22-32).         
              There is nothing in Zhu to indicate that any stability                
         decision is made based on whether the variation in the number of           
         occurrences lies within a predefined bracket after the number of           
         occurrences is compared.  The closest Zhu comes to this comparison         
         is by the majority voting process which takes place after a                
         comparison with the threshold value determines the best matching           
         vector (Figure 6; col. 5, lines 37-55).  Therefore, we agree with          
         Appellants (brief, page 5) that the absence of the specific order          
         of claimed process steps in the reference indicates that Zhu is            
         not concerned with transmitting a stability parameter by                   
         determining the variation in the number of occurrences after those         
         numbers over two successive images are compared.                           
         We note that independent claim 11 also requires means for                  
         performing similar steps which are absent in Zhu.  As the                  
         references cannot anticipate any of independent claims 1 and 11,           
         we do not sustain the 35 U.S.C. § 102 rejection of claims 1 and            
         11, as well as claims 2, 3, 8, 9 and 12-14 dependent thereon over          


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