Ex Parte Dodd - Page 3

                Appeal No. 2006-2346                                                                             
                Application No. 09/931,358                                                                       

                of the final Office action dated Dec. 23, 2004.1    Throughout the opinion we make               
                reference to the briefs, the answer and the Office action for the respective details thereof.    

                       We have considered the subject matter on appeal, the rejections advanced by the           
                examiner and the evidence of anticipation and obviousness relied upon by the examiner            
                in support of the rejections.  We have likewise, reviewed and taken into consideration, in       
                reaching our decision, appellant’s arguments set forth in the briefs along with the              
                examiner’s rationale in support of the rejections and arguments in rebuttal set forth in the     
                examiner’s answer.                                                                               
                       With full consideration being given to the subject matter on appeal, the                  
                examiner’s rejections and the arguments of appellant and the examiner, and for the               
                reasons stated infra we sustain the examiner’s rejections of claims 1 through 9 under            
                35 U.S.C. § 102(e) and 35 U.S.C. § 103(a).  However, we will not sustain the examiner’s          
                rejections of claim 14 under 35 U.S.C. § 102(e) and 35 U.S.C. § 103(a)                           
                       Initially we note that appellant does not separately argue claims 2 through 9,            
                accordingly we group claims 2 through 9 with claim 1 and will discuss claim 14                   
                       On pages 4 through 9 of the brief, appellant presents arguments directed to the           
                proper interpretation of the claim terms “customer’ and “consumer.”  While appellant’s           
                arguments on pages 4 through 9 of the brief are directed primarily to the now withdrawn          
                rejection based upon Roberts and Brockman, we will address the issue as it has bearing           
                on the rejections based upon Peterson.  In response to these arguments, the examiner             
                adopts the appellant’s asserted meanings for these terms.  On page 8 of the answer, the          
                examiner finds that the claim term “customer” means: “any purchaser of goods where               

                1 We note the appealed final rejection also rejected claims 1-9 and 14 under 35 U.S.C.           
                § 112 and under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being unpatentable over Roberts and Brockman.                 
                However, the examiner states on pages 2 and 3 of the answer all rejections except the            
                rejections relating to Peterson are withdrawn.                                                   


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