Ex Parte Dodd - Page 8

                Appeal No. 2006-2346                                                                             
                Application No. 09/931,358                                                                       

                       the basis of both customer information and promotional activity regarding the             
                       product. The Final Action simply dismisses the claim limitations as                       
                       "nonfunctional descriptive material" while arriving at the summary conclusion             
                       that substitution in Peterson et al. of any particular type of information would be       
                       obvious. This showing is well short of the requirements showing how the                   
                       particular relationships among the parties claimed are suggested in Peterson et al.       

                       The examiner responds on page 18 of the answer that the features argued by                
                appellant are not present in the claims.                                                         
                       We disagree with the examiner.  Claim 14 is dependent upon claim 1 and recites            
                “wherein said sales projection information is customized on the basis of planned                 
                promotional activities with respect to said at least one consumer product.”  As discussed        
                supra, we consider the title “sales projection information” imparts no functionality in          
                claim 1.  Nonetheless claim 14 further recites that this information is further customized       
                by “planned promotional activities.”  As discussed supra Peterson teaches data that is           
                customized based upon customer information, but we find no disclosure in Peterson                
                which teaches or makes obvious performing a second customization of the data.                    
                Accordingly, we will not sustain the examiner’s rejections of claim 14.                          


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Last modified: November 3, 2007