Ex Parte Weiss - Page 6

                Appeal 2006-1675                                                                                  
                Application 10/415,798                                                                            

                interpretation that is consistent with the Specification.  In re Morris, 127                      
                F.3d 1048, 1054, 44 USPQ2d 1023, 1027 (Fed. Cir. 1997).  Additionally, a                          
                Specification is examined for whatever enlightenment by way of definitions                        
                or otherwise it may provide to construing claim language.  Id.  When                              
                interpreting a claim, the Specification is usually the single best guide to the                   
                meaning of disputed claim language.  Phillips v. AWH Corp.,  415 F.3d                             
                1303, 1315, 1321, 75 USPQ2d 1321, 1327, 1332 (Fed. Cir. 2005).                                    
                       Further, we note that, on pages 7 through 8 of the Brief, Appellant                        
                argues that the independent claim 9 limitation “a plurality of filament wires                     
                (9, 9’) which are, at most, loosely twisted together” distinguishes over the                      
                primary reference to Futahashi.  In arguing this position, Appellant                              
                “assume[s] that the filament wires 4a of Futahashi are conventional, tightly                      
                twisted wires” (Br. 7).  Appellant does not provide any information as to                         
                what is considered “conventional, tightly twisted wires.”  Thus, Appellant                        
                has not fully explained why independent claim 9 distinguishes from the                            
                primary reference to Futahashi.  This information is necessary to adequately                      
                interpret the appealed claims.                                                                    
                       Thus, in response to this Remand, the Examiner must also require                           
                Appellant to define what is meant by “conventional, tightly twisted wires”                        
                (Br. 7) and to provide any available evidence which supports the definition.                      

                IV.  English Translation Needed                                                                   
                       In the Answer, the Examiner maintains a § 103(a) rejection of                              
                appealed claims 9-27 over the Japanese Patent No. 2001237052A to                                  
                Futahashi in view of U.S. Patent No. 5,824,996 to Kochman (Answer 2).  In                         
                so doing, the Examiner does not rely on a verified English language                               


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