Appeal Number: 2006-1694 Application Number: 10/131,607 The appellants argue that Mücke does not disclose a strip processing line at all (brief, page 8). The strip processing line is the subsequent treatment and strip processing discussed by Mücke (col. 1, lines 23-35). The appellants argue that Mücke does not disclose setpoint comparison, creation of an error signal and adjustment of a correcting roller in response thereto (brief, page 8). Mücke’s comparison of the strip curvature with an intended value is the setpoint comparison and error signal creation (col. 4, lines 31-34). In response to the error signal, an algorithm is used to adjust the straightening rolls (col. 2, lines 57-67; col. 4, lines 34-35). The appellants argue that adjustment of the position of Mücke’s straightening roll 18 in any way to change the relationship shown in Mücke’s figure 4 will defeat Mücke’s purpose (brief, pages 9-10). The appellants are incorrect. Mücke adjusts the position of the straightening roll to bring about the desired straightening of the strip (col. 2, lines 22-32 and 57-63; col. 4, lines 34-35). The appellants argue that Mücke does not disclose straightening directly before the strip enters a strip processing device as required by claim 2 (reply brief, page 3). Mücke’s disclosure that the strip is straightened to prevent problems and damage to the strip in subsequent treatment of the strip (col. 1, lines 23-33) would have fairly suggested, to one of ordinary skill in the art, straightening the strip 4Page: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Next
Last modified: September 9, 2013