Ex Parte Hadzic et al - Page 7

           Appeal No. 2006-1746                                                                      
           Application No. 10/375,679                                                                

           these references, in combination, only yield either a non-remote nerve stimulator         
           that is rigidly coupled to the needle, or a remote nerve stimulator having a display      
           that is not rigidly coupled to the needle.                                                
                 With regard to the rejection of claims 13, 14, and 19 under 35 U.S.C.               
           § 103(a) as being unpatentable over Chester in view of Griffin, the Examiner              
           contends (Answer 8) that although Chester fails to teach that the LED 28 is a             
           multicolored LED or multicolor display, that Griffith teaches that it was known to        
           utilize a multi-color LED or display with a nerve stimulator.  Applicants contend         
           (Br. 15 and 16) that Griffith's color display has nothing to do with the level of         
           current provided, but rather correlates to differing amounts of electrical charge.        
                 We affirm-in-part.                                                                  
               I. With regard to the rejection of claims 36-52 under 35 U.S.C. § 112                 
                      (first paragraph) the issue is whether Applicants were in possession of        
                      the claimed invention as of the filing date of the application.                
               II. With regard to the rejection of claims 1-8, 10-12, 15-18, 20, 21, 23-25,          
                      28-31, and 33 the issue is whether Applicants have shown that the              
                      Examiner erred in rejecting these claims under 35 U.S.C. § 102(b). The         
                      issue turns on whether the visual indicator (display) of Chester can be        
                      considered to be both remote from the nerve stimulator and proximate           
                      to the needle.                                                                 
               III. With regard to the rejection of claims 20 and 23-28 under 35 U.S.C.              
                      § 103(a) the issue is whether the Examiner erred in holding that the           
                      combined teachings and suggestions of Cory and Chester would have              


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