Ex Parte Hadzic et al - Page 8

           Appeal No. 2006-1746                                                                      
           Application No. 10/375,679                                                                

                      suggested to an artisan the language of these claims.  The issue turns on      
                      whether it would have been obvious to have rigidly coupled the visual          
                      indicator of Cory to the nerve block needle, in view of the teachings and      
                      suggestions of Chester.                                                        
               IV. With regard to claims 13, 14, and 19 under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) the issue           
                      is whether the Examiner erred in holding that the combined teachings of        
                      Chester and Griffith would have suggested to an artisan the language of        
                      these claims.  The issue turns on whether Griffith's description of using      
                      a multicolored display to indicate electric charge would have suggested        
                      to an artisan using a multicolored display indicative of a current level.      

                                   FINDINGS OF FACT (ISSUE I)                                        
                     1. FIG. 1 comprises a system block diagram as configured in                     
                        accordance with various embodiments of the invention (Specification          
                     2. FIG. 2 comprises a block diagram of a needle hub as configured in            
                        accordance with an embodiment of the invention (Specification 3).            
                     3. FIG. 6 comprises a system block diagram as configured in                     
                        accordance with yet another embodiment of the invention                      
                        (Specification 4).                                                           
                     4. In some embodiments, the display is separate (or separable) from             
                        both the nerve stimulator and the nerve stimulator needle                    
                        (Specification 4).                                                           
                     5. The logic unit … causes the information to be displayed by the               
                        display 24 (or displays where more than one display is provided              
                        (Specification 6).                                                           


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