Ex Parte Hadzic et al - Page 9

           Appeal No. 2006-1746                                                                      
           Application No. 10/375,679                                                                

                     6. In the various embodiments described above, the display comprises            
                        an integral part of the nerve stimulator needle. In other embodiments,       
                        however, the display may be separate from the nerve stimulator               
                        needle and also remote from the nerve stimulator 10                          
                       (Specification 7).                                                            
                 We additionally make the following Findings Of Fact from the drawings:              
                 7.  The embodiment of Fig. 1 shows the nerve stimulator apparatus to                
           include hand-graspable hub 11, having display 14 and optional multi-position              
           switch 15.                                                                                
                 8.  Fig. 2 shows hub 11 to include a display or displays 24.                        
                 9.  Figure 6 shows an alternate embodiment that includes hub 11, but does           
           not illustrate hub 11 to have an indicator or optional switch 15.                         

                                       PRINCIPLES OF LAW                                             
                 The written description requirement serves "to ensure that the inventor had         
           possession, as of the filing date of the application relied on, of the specific subject   
           matter later claimed by him; how the specification accomplishes this is not               
           material."  In re Wertheim, 541 F.2d 257, 262, 191 USPQ 90, 96 (CCPA 1976).  In           
           order to meet the written description requirement, the appellant does not have to         
           utilize any particular form of disclosure to describe the subject matter claimed, but     
           "the description must clearly allow persons of ordinary skill in the art to recognize     
           that [he or she] invented what is claimed."  In re Gosteli, 872 F.2d 1008, 1012, 10       
           USPQ2d 1614, 1618 (Fed. Cir. 1989).  Put another way, "the applicant must . . .           
           convey with reasonable clarity to those skilled in the art that, as of the filing date    


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