Ex Parte Hadzic et al - Page 16

           Appeal No. 2006-1746                                                                      
           Application No. 10/375,679                                                                

                 A reference may be said to teach away when a person of ordinary skill, upon         
                 [examining] the reference, would be discouraged from following the path set         
                 out in the reference, or would be led in a direction divergent from the path        
                 that was taken by the applicant.                                                    
           It follows that an artisan would not have been motivated to modify Cory in view of        
           the teachings and suggestions of Chester as advanced by the Examiner.                     
           Accordingly, we find that the Examiner has failed to establish a prima facie case of      
           obviousness of claims 20 and 23-28.                                                       

                                 CONCLUSIONS OF LAW (ISSUE III)                                      
           The rejection of claims 20 and 23-28 under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) is not sustained.           

                                  FINDINGS OF FACT (ISSUE IV)                                        
              1. We make reference to our findings, supra, with respect to the teachings of          
              2. Griffith is directed to an apparatus for efficiently locating a nerve and for       
                 subsequently delivering an anesthetic to the nerve (Col. 1, lines 13-15).           
              3. As correctly noted by the Examiner (Answer, page 8) Griffith discloses that         
                 it is known to utilize a multi-color LED or display with a nerve stimulator         
                 (Col. 12, lines 12-19).                                                             
              4. The multi-color LED of Griffith identifies the operating mode (Col. 12, lines       
                 19 and 20 and col. 13, lines 4-34).                                                 


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