Ex Parte Chaloner et al - Page 17

             Appeal No. 2006-2284                                                        Page 17               
             Application No. 09/912,211                                                                        

             shelf report of figure 7 of Bowers does not provide a 'number of members . . . present            
             within said container,' contrary to the Examiner's assertion.  The content provided in the        
             shelving report is not enough by itself to teach or suggest the above-quoted feature."            
             (Reply Br. at 8.)                                                                                 

                                             a. Claim Construction                                             
                   "Claims in dependent form shall be construed to include all the limitations of the          
             claim incorporated by reference into the dependent claim."  37 C.F.R. § 1.75 (2006).              
             Here, claim 51 recites in pertinent part the following limitations: "[t]he method of              
             claim 33 wherein said analysis determines the number of members of said subset                    
             present within said container."  For its part, claim 33 recites in pertinent part the             
             following limitations: [a] method for identifying a subset of objects within a set of objects     
             in a container, said method comprising . . . analyzing and processing said received               
             signal. . . ."2  The independent claim does not require the method be performed                   
             exclusively by a computer; the claim permits the method to be performed by a human in             
             concert with a computer.  Giving the dependent claim the broadest, reasonable                     
             2 A claim is indefinite "where the language ‘said lever’ appears in a dependent claim             
             where no such ‘lever’ has been previously recited in a parent claim to that dependent             
             claim . . . ."  Ex parte Moelands, 3 USPQ2d 1474, 1476 (B.P.A.I. 1987).  Here, although           
             claim 51 includes the language "said analysis," no such "analysis" has been previously            
             recited in claim 33.  Being "basically a board of review," Ex parte Gambogi, 62 USPQ2d            
             1209, 1211 (B.P.A.I. 2001), however, we leave the question of indefiniteness to the               
             examiner and the appellants.                                                                      

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