Ex Parte Chaloner et al - Page 12

             Appeal No. 2006-2284                                                        Page 12               
             Application No. 09/912,211                                                                        

             preprogrammed information.  We are unpersuaded by the appellants' argument, (App.                 
             Br. at 11), however, that each tag responds to a different interrogation frequency.               
             To the contrary, we find that the tags respond to the same interrogation frequency.               
             Having each tag respond to the same interrogation frequency, for example, enables a               
             plurality of articles in a collection bin 112 to be interrogated "all at once."  (Col. 13, l. 21.)

                                        2. Shielding the Interior of a Container                               
                   The examiner finds, "Bowers et al. teaches a method for identifying a subset of             
             objects within a set of objects in a container (col. 12 lines 50-65)," (Examiner's Answer         
             at 6), and "Francis et al. in an art related object tracking system teaches the use of            
             electromagnetic shielding to prevent reading of the by extraneous source (col. 9                  
             lines 49-65)."  (Id. at 7.)  He makes the following additional findings.                          
                   It would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art to shield the                
                   interior of the container from extraneous external signals in Bowers et al.                 
                   as evidenced by Francis et al. because Bowers et al. suggests                               
                   interrogating objects in a container and Francis et al. teaches the use of                  
                   electromagnetic shielding to prevent reading of the by extraneous source                    
                   and further limit the interference from other electromagnetic sources.                      

             (Id.)  The appellants argue that "the Examiner cites RF shielding in general, but does            
             not demonstrate that the cited art teaches or suggests, 'shielding the interior of said           
             container' as recited by claim 33. . . ."  (Reply Br. at 7.)                                      

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