Ex Parte Chaloner et al - Page 7

             Appeal No. 2006-2284                                                          Page 7              
             Application No. 09/912,211                                                                        

             (Fed. Cir. 1993) (quoting In re Rinehart, 531 F.2d 1048, 1051, 189 USPQ 143, 147                  
             (CCPA 1976)).                                                                                     

             Here, in Bowers "[a]n article inventory control system for articles                               
                   . . . uses RFID tags attached to each article.  Each tag has a unique identification        
             or serial number for identifying the individual article."  (Abs. at ll. 1-4.)  An "'article'      
             includes . . . items which are typically found in a library, such as videos, CD-ROMS,             
             cassettes, newspapers or the like."  (Col. 7, ll. 2-5 (emphases added)).  "FIG. 2 is a            
             block diagram schematic of an RFID tag suitable for use on articles circulated by the             
             library. . . ."  (Col. 5, ll. 59-60.) "The tag 54 includes a passive resonant radio frequency     
             (RF) circuit 56 for use in detecting when the tag 54 is within a zone monitored by a              
             reader or interrogator, as is well-known in the art.  One well-known type of circuit 56 has       
             a coil antenna 58 and a capacitor 60 which together form a resonant circuit with a                
             predetermined resonant frequency i.e. the selected radio frequency."  (Col. 8, ll. 36-43.)        
             "Furthermore, the tag 54 includes an integrated circuit (IC) 62 for providing 'intelligence'      
             to the tag 54.  The IC 62 is connected to the circuit 56.  The IC 62 includes a                   
             programmable memory 64, such as a 64 bit memory, for storing bits of identification               
             data."  (Id. at ll. 44-49.)                                                                       

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