Ex Parte Chaloner et al - Page 2

             Appeal No. 2006-2284                                                          Page 2              
             Application No. 09/912,211                                                                        

                   Accordingly, the appellants' invention transmits a signal toward a region of                
             interest.  Upon receiving energy reflected from the region, the invention establishes a           
             baseline field strength for the energy.  It then determines at least one frequency at             
             which the field strength substantially differs from the baseline and identifies at least one      
             object within the region based on the determined frequency.  (Id. at 3.)                          

                   A further understanding of the invention can be achieved by reading the following           
                          23. A container comprising:                                                          
                          object presence detection equipment internal to said container, said                 
                   equipment comprising at least one transmitter of transmitted signal energy                  
                   and a plurality of fixed receivers of received signal energy;                               
                          a set of objects for object presence detection internal to said                      
                   container, such that an object of said set of objects is operable to modify                 
                   said transmitted signal energy of a selected frequency to generate said                     
                   received signal energy of said selected frequency, wherein said set of                      
                   objects is disposed in a configuration selected from a linear array, a two-                 
                   dimensional array, and a three-dimensional array; and                                       
                          a container wall substantially surrounding said object presence                      
                   detection equipment and said set of objects, said wall operable to shield                   
                   said equipment and said set of objects from extraneous external signals.                    

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Last modified: September 9, 2013