Ex Parte Chaloner et al - Page 4

             Appeal No. 2006-2284                                                          Page 4              
             Application No. 09/912,211                                                                        

             rejected under § 103(a) as obvious over Bowers; Francis; Maloney; and U.S. Patent No.             
             5,995,019 ("Chieu").                                                                              
                                                 II. OPINION                                                   
                   Our opinion addresses the claims in the following order:                                    
                • claims 23, 24, 26-32, 42, and 44-50                                                          
                • claims 33-37, 51, and 52.                                                                    

                                     A. CLAIMS 23, 24, 26-32, 42, AND 44-50                                    
                   "Rather than reiterate the positions of the examiner or the appellants in toto, we          
             focus on a point of contention therebetween."  Ex parte Sienel, No. 2005-2429,                    
             2006 WL 1665423, at *1 (B.P.A.I. 2006).  The examiner asserts, "Bowers et al. . . .               
             teaches . . . to modify the transmitted signal energy of a selected frequency to generate         
             the received signal energy of the selected frequency by resonating at the resonant                
             frequency of the tag (col. 8 lines 36-43, col. 8 lines 54-60)."  (Examiner's Answer at 3.)        
             The appellants make the following argument.                                                       
                   Bowers teaches that its RFID tags change their resonant frequency before                    
                   retuning a signal so that the RFID tags return a signal with a frequency                    
                   different from that received.  See Bowers at Col. 8, lines 54-63.                           
                   Accordingly, Bowers does not teach or suggest "an object of said set of                     
                   objects is operable to modify said transmitted signal energy of a selected                  

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