Ex Parte Remaks et al - Page 3

            Appeal 2006-2365                                                                              
            Application 10/209,736                                                                        
                  The following rejections are before us for review:                                      
               1. Claims 1, 2, 4-7, and 9 stand rejected under 35 USC § 103(a) as being                   
                  unpatentable over Kuchenbecker in view of Watts or Giampapa and further                 
                  in view of Batchelor.                                                                   
               2. Claims 3, 8, and 9 stand rejected under 35 USC § 103(a) as being                        
                  unpatentable over Kuchenbecker in view of Watts or Giampapa and further                 
                  in view of Batchelor and Wiley.                                                         
               3. Claims 1, 2, 4-7, 9, and 10 stand rejected under 35 USC § 103(a) as being               
                  unpatentable over Croley in view of Cummings or Questar.                                
               4. Claims 3, 8, and 11 stand rejected under 35 USC § 103(a) as being                       
                  unpatentable over Croley in view of Cummings or Questar and further in                  
                  view of Wiley.                                                                          
                  Rather than reiterate in detail the conflicting viewpoints advanced by the              
            examiner and the appellants regarding this appeal, we make reference to the                   
            examiner's answer (mailed October 19, 2005) for the examiner's complete                       
            reasoning in support of the rejections and to the appellants’ brief (filed March 3,           
            2004) for the appellants’ arguments.                                                          

                  In reaching our decision in this appeal, we have carefully considered the               
            appellants’ specification and claims, the applied prior art, and the respective               
            positions articulated by the appellants and the examiner.  As a consequence of our            


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Last modified: September 9, 2013