Ex Parte Remaks et al - Page 8

            Appeal 2006-2365                                                                              
            Application 10/209,736                                                                        
                          CROLEY IN VIEW OF CUMMINGS OR QUESTAR                                           
                  Claims 1, 2, 4-7, 9, and 10 stand rejected under 35 USC § 103(a) as being               
            unpatentable over Croley in view of Cummings or Questar.  The examiner                        
            determined that Croley meets all of the claimed limitations except for the claimed            
            indicia on the upper surface.  The examiner relied on Cummings to teach that it is            
            known in the art to provide pattern indicia on a box blank and thus it would have             
            been obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art to provide pattern indicia in Croley,        
            as taught by Cummings, to advertise and/or identify the container easily.  Answer,            
            p. 4.                                                                                         
                  The appellants argue that Croley, like Kuchenbecker, uses triangular flaps              
            (22b, 24b, 26b, 28b) as internal structural supports such that the flaps are not              
            externally viewable and therefore there is no motivation to print indicia on the              
            flaps.  We agree with the appellants’ position.                                               
                  Based on the same reasoning discussed supra, we find that even if one                   
            having ordinary skill in the art were to combine the teachings of Cummings, which             
            shows indicia printed on the externally visible portions of a box blank, with the             
            container of Croley, it would not lead that hypothetical person skilled in the art to         
            print indicia on the triangular flaps of Croley, which are not visible.  The                  
            examiner’s assertion that one would have been motivated to add indicia to the flaps           
            of Croley for advertising or identification does not make sense, because the flaps            
            are not visible once the box of Croley is constructed.                                        
                  Similarly, Questar does not cure the deficiencies of Croley.  The depiction of          
            the Questar boxes on the web site shows that the visible external portions of the             


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