Ex Parte Remaks et al - Page 7

            Appeal 2006-2365                                                                              
            Application 10/209,736                                                                        
            Giampapa, and Batchelor, would not have been led to make the combination                      
            recited in claims 1, 4, and 9.  Claims 2 and 5-7 depend from and further limit                
            independent claims 1 and 4.  As such, these dependent claims are also not rendered            
            unpatentable based on the prior art relied upon by the examiner.  Accordingly, we             
            do not sustain the examiner’s rejection of claims 1, 2, 4-7, and 9 under 35 USC               
            § 103(a) as being unpatentable over Kuchenbecker in view of Watts or Giampapa                 
            and further in view of Batchelor.                                                             

                        KUCHENBECKER IN VIEW OF WATTS OR GIAMPAPA                                         
                        AND FURTHER IN VIEW OF BATCHELOR AND WILEY                                        
                  Claims 3, 8, and 92 stand rejected under 35 USC § 103(a) as being                       
            unpatentable over Kuchenbecker in view of Watts or Giampapa, further in view of               
            Batchelor, and further in view of Wiley.  The examiner relied on Wiley only for its           
            teaching of using a fluorescent color on packaging materials.  Answer, p. 4.  Wiley           
            does not cure the deficiencies of the teachings of Kuchenbecker, Watts, Giampapa,             
            and Batchelor.  Specifically, Wiley does not teach or suggest a blank or container            
            having substantially triangular-shaped panels with indicia on the upper surface.              
            Rather, the excerpt from Wiley relied upon by the examiner relates only to                    
            colorants for packaging materials.  As such, we do not sustain the examiner’s                 
            rejection of claims 3, 8, and 9 under 35 USC § 103(a) as being unpatentable over              
            Kuchenbecker in view of Watts or Giampapa and further in view of Batchelor and                
            2 We note that claim 11, not claim 9, requires that the indicia is either a fluorescent       
            or day-glow color.                                                                            

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