Ex Parte Ozawa - Page 21

               1.  Fine trace limit                                             2. Broad trace limit                                                   
           The heat flux from the trace is spread (in x-direction) by the    For  broad  traces  on  low  conductivity boards, Region I is             
           board and the board will do the bulk of the total heat transfer.  dominating (note RI is independent of k)                                  
           The classical  heat sink fin formula [9] for a homogenously                                       1  1                                      
                                                                                                    Rtotv h  w             ,        (14)             
           heated thin fin with (cf. Fig. 6) fin height B/2, fin length L                                                                              
                                                                                                     1   1  1 2v     1  2  1 2                         
                                                                                         'T v  h 1w   w   t I     h  w   t  I  ,      (15)             
           and fin thickness D applied to Regions IIa and IIb is giving as                                                                             
           thermal resistance                                                                   Iv  h1/2w  1t/2'1T 12/     .        (16)             
                                    1    1       1                           For high conductivity boards the width of the board B should              
                               R                                   (8a)                                                                              
                                II  2 kmDL           B                       replace w in Eq. (14) with the corresponding consequences of              
                                              tanh(m    )                                                                                               
                                                     2                       proportionalities in I and 'T.                                            
           with                                                                 To verify Eq. (10), disregarding form factors, we perform              
                                                                             some more parameter variations, as shown in Fig. 8. Within a              
                                     m      2         .            (8b)    factor of Š2 the fine trace limit and the broad trace limit is            
           The first factor 1/2 in Eq. (8a) is because the resistances of                                                                              
           Regions IIa and IIb are parallel.                                                                                                           
           1. Broad trace limit                                                                                                                        
           For broad traces, which cover most of the board, Region I is                                                                                
           dominating. The thermal resistance is given by the area of the                                                                              
           footprint and the  heat  exchange  coefficient  according  to                                                                               
           Newton’s cooling law                                                                                                                        
                                       R        1                                                                                                      
                                         I              .           (9)                                                                              
                                            2 hwL                                                                                                      
           The factor 1/2 is because the resistances of the trace on top                                                                               
           face and the thermal image of the footprint at the bottom face                                                                              
           are parallel.                                                                                                                               
           2. The total thermal resistance finally is (approximately)                                                                                  
                                    1     1     1                                                                                                      
                                                      .            (10)                                                                              
                                  Rtot   R     R                                                                                                       
                                           I     II                                                                                                    
              Equations (8a,b), (9) and (10) are plotted as lines into Fig.                                                                            
           7 for the parameters given in the legend. The agreement is                                                                                  
           well regarding the crude mathematical modelling. The                                                                                        
           deviations between the points and the lines are of the order of                                                                             
                                                                             Figure 8: Testing the scaling laws by parameter variations.               
           Š2, reflecting uncertainties in defining fin cross-section and                                                                              
           fin surface area for Eqs. (8a) and (8b): Assuming, that only                                                                                
                                                                             4.3. Thermal resistance of the traces on board models                     
           the top face of a bad heat spreading board will dominantly                                                                                  
                                                                                The board models of Sect. 4.1 are not as homogeneous as                
           heat and cool, then RII would be about Š2 times larger.                                                                                     
                                                                             they are in Sect. 4.2 but have some thermal isolation between             
           4.2. Scaling laws                                                 trace and first heat spreading copper layer. Moreover, Joule              
           Strict   analytic solutions, although with necessary              heating  and  external  heat transfer  is  not  independent  of           
           simplifications, of the 2D heat conduction equation in form of    temperature or power. In order to test the findings of Section            
           Fourier series  are  given  by  Ling  [10].  However,    the      4.1 we have re-plotted in Fig. 9 some graphs from Table 1,                
           dependence  of 'T(I)  on h, k,  D  and w  is  hidden  behind      but with ordinate Rtrace='T/P as function of trace width. The             
           complicated equations. Our simplified approach is a much          power P is taken from Eqs. (3) and (4) with T as the mean                 
           easier route.                                                     trace temperature.                                                        
           1.   Fine trace limit                                                In Fig. 9 there are two observations to be made. First,                
                                                                             there is a bigger scatter in the data and, second, boards 2,4,6,          
           For fine traces where Region II is dominating (note RII is                                                                                  
                                                                             which  have  the  same  amount  of  copper,  are shifted in               
           independent of w), the thermal resistance of the trace is                                                                                   
                                                                             ordinate. The scatter  is  certainly  partially  due  to  the  non-       
                                           1/2   /21   1/2                                                                                             
                                  Rtotv  h    k    D   .            (11)                                                                              
                                                                             constant heat transfer, e.g., at the left end of the abscissa at          
           If we introduce Eq. (1) into 'T=Rtot*P together with Eq. (3)      w=10  mm,  the  lower  values of R  correspond  to  the  high             
           and (4), the desired scaling laws are simply                      currents (high temperatures). In Appendix A we derive some                
                           ' T v   1/2   /21   1/2  1  1 I2         (12)    approximate effective heat transfer coefficient heff as function          
                                 h    k     D    w   t                                                                                                 
                                                                             of power density q related through the expression heff=9 q0.14.           
                                                                             According to Eq. (11), the thermal resistance should scale                
                                 /4 1/4  1/4  1/21/2    12/                                                                                            
                           I v h1  k   D    w    t  ' T    .        (13)                                                                              
                                                                             with h-1/2, namely as q-0.07, namely as P-0.07.                           

           Adam, New Correlations Between Electrical Current and …                                      20th IEEE SEMI-THERM Symposium                 

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