Ex Parte Ozawa - Page 23

           open field is self-consistently solving the 2- or 3-dimenisonal   The  effective  heat  transfer  coefficient heff  for  the  plate  is     
           current distribution, i.e. power distribution, on non-straight     heff=P/(A*'T)=q/'T. Substituting for 'T from Eq. (A-3) gives             
           broad traces together with the temperature field.                 the effective heat transfer coefficient as                                
                                                                                                         heff=9 q0.14 .            (A-4)             
               I gratefully acknowledge stimulating contributions from                                                                                 
           the FED (German designer association) internet discussion                                                                                   
           forum and Drs. Poschmann (FED) and Lehnberger (Andus                                                                                        
           GmbH) for valuable hints.                                                                                                                   
           1. Joule, J., Phil. Mag., Vol. 19, p.18, 1841.                                                                                              
           2. Brooks, D., “Temperature Rise in PCB Traces”, pdf-file                                                                                   
                in http://www.ultracad.com from the Proc. of the PCB                                                                                   
                Design Conf., West, March pp. 23-27, 1998.                                                                                             
           3. Jouppi, M. R., “Thermal Characterization of PCB                                                                                          
                Conductors”, Electronics Circuits World Convention 9                                                                                   
                Cologne,  2002.                                                                                                                        
           4. Jouppi, M.R.: http://www.thermalman.com, 2003.                                                                                           
           5. Flotherm 4.2 User Manual. Flomerics Ltd., 2003.                                                                                          
           6. Adam,  J.,  „Strombelastbarkeit  von  Leiterbahnen  II.“,                                                                                
                PLUS, Vol. 4, No. 11, pp. 1817-1823, 2002.                                                                                             
                                                                             Fig.  A-1: Mean temperature  rise  above  ambient  for  a                 
           7. Lehnberger, C., Andus GmbH Berlin, priv. comm., 2003.                                                                                    
                                                                             homogeneously heated plate in free convection and radiative               
           8. Guenin, B.M., “Convection and radiation heat loss from a                                                                                 
                                                                             cooling calculated from standard Nu-Gr heat transfer                      
                printed circuit board”, Electronics Cooling, Vol. 4, No. 3,                                                                            
                                                                             correlations (the various lines are for various board formats,            
                p. 33, 1998.                                                                                                                           
                                                                             e.g. Euro, double Euro and some others).                                  
           9. Kraus,  A.D.,  Bar-Cohen,  A.,  Thermal analysis and                                                                                     
                control of electronic equipment, Hemisphere Publ..                                                                                     
                (Washington,  1983), pp. 345-346.                                                                                                      
           10. Ling, Y., “On current carrying capacities of PCB traces”,                                                                               
                Electronic Components and Technology Conference, pp.                                                                                   
                1683-1693, 2002.                                                                                                                       
           11. Adam, J., „IPC-2152: Neue Richtwerte für die                                                                                            
                Strombelastbarkeit  von  Leiterzügen  in  Leiterplatten“,                                                                              
                Konferenzband 11. FED-Konferenz, pp. 11-33, 2003.                                                                                      
           Appendix. Effective heat transfer coefficient for a plate                                                                                   
               The total heat flux balance for a homogeneously heated                                                                                  
           plate of area A is                                                                                                                          
                thermal gain – convective loss - radiative loss = 0.  (A-1)                                                                            
           With the input heat flux (thermal power) P and other standard                                                                               
           notations [9] we have to solve the implicit equation                                                                                        
                         (                        4       4                                                                                            
               P   A Ÿh Ÿ Tplate  T  )  A ŸH VŸ Ÿ(T      T  )  0     (A-2)                                                                              
                                  a               plate  a                                                                                             
           for  the  plate  temperature Tplate. We  restrict  ourselves  to                                                                            
           laminar, free convection. For h(T)=NuH*Oair/H we are using                                                                                  
           the Nusselt-Grashof correlation NuH=0.49GrH1/4 based on the                                                                                 
           height H of the plate. For the emissivity we take H=0.9 and for                                                                             
           the ambient temperature Ta=35 degC. Because of the non-                                                                                     
           linear terms, the temperature of the plate Tplate in ambient                                                                                
           temperature Ta has to be solved numerically (e.g. Newton-                                                                                   
           Raphson method). Eq. (A-2) can be divided by A and solved                                                                                   
           for plate temperature as function of specific heat load q:=P/A                                                                              
           [W/m²]. Fig. A-1 represents the numerical result for various                                                                                
           board heights showing an almost perfect power law and little                                                                                
           deviation from each other. A good numerical fit is represented                                                                              
                                    'T = 0.11 q0.86.               (A-3)                                                                              

           Adam, New Correlations Between Electrical Current and …                                      20th IEEE SEMI-THERM Symposium                 

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