Ex Parte Baker et al - Page 6

                Appeal No. 2007-0311                                                                            
                Application No. 10/175,744                                                                      

                       purposes,  including  the  production  of  therapeutics  to  treat                       
                       different types of cancers.                                                              
                (Br. 9-10.)                                                                                     
                       This argument does not persuade us that Appellants have disclosed a                      
                utility for the claimed antibodies that meets the requirements of § 101.                        
                Appellants have described PDI as “a catalyst of disulfide formation and                         
                isomerization during protein folding” and PDI-related proteins as “generally                    
                of interest in the study of redox reactions and related processes.”                             
                (WO 99/46281, page 9.)                                                                          
                       Appellants have pointed to nothing in the present specification or in                    
                any of the priority documents that describes any specific “diseases involving                   
                protein misfolding and cellular viability/proliferation, such as various types                  
                of cancer,” that would be amenable to treatment with an antibody that binds                     
                SEQ ID NO:74.  Nor have Appellants pointed to other evidence showing                            
                that PDI-related proteins were recognized, as of this application’s effective                   
                filing date, to be an established or promising treatment for such diseases.                     
                       Appellants have not disclosed any specific disorder that could be                        
                effectively treated with the claimed antibodies.  Therefore, their argument                     
                that the claimed antibodies “allow[ ] the development of novel therapies                        
                directed to the targeting and/or treatment of diseases involving protein                        
                misfolding and cellular viability/proliferation, such as various types of                       
                cancer,” does not persuade us that the identification of SEQ ID NO:74 as a                      
                PDI-related protein is sufficient, in itself, to establish the patentable utility of            
                the claimed antibodies.                                                                         


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