Ex Parte Johnson - Page 9

                Appeal 2007-0349                                                                             
                Application 09/862,355                                                                       
                sessions with a predetermined threshold value."  Therefore, it is argued,                    
                neither Lin nor Sitaraman teaches limiting the number of sessions active                     
                between a server process and a client process to a predetermined threshold                   
                value (Br. 8).                                                                               
                      The Examiner responds that the filter in Lin limits the number of                      
                active sessions between a server process and a client process (Answer 15).                   

                      The issue is whether Lin or Sitaraman teaches "determining, using the                  
                IP address of the computing device, the number of presently active sessions                  
                within said FTP server process previously established with FTP client                        
                processes operating on said computing device" and "comparing said number                     
                of presently active sessions with a predetermined threshold value."  If not,                 
                the combination does not teach the limitations.                                              

                      The Examiner acknowledges that Sitaraman does not teach                                
                "determining, using the IP address of the computing device, the number of                    
                presently active sessions within said FTP server process previously                          
                established with FTP client processes operating on said computing device."                   
                We agree.  Sitaraman determines the number of active sessions for a "group                   
                of users," which is not based on the IP address or the number of active                      
                sessions with a client process.                                                              


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