Ex Parte Kloeckner et al - Page 1

                       The opinion in support of the decision being entered today was not                               
                        written for publication and is not binding precedent of the Board.                              

                          UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE                                                     
                                BEFORE THE BOARD OF PATENT APPEALS                                                      
                                             AND INTERFERENCES                                                          
                         Ex parte HARALD KLOECKNER, GUENTER BERSCHEL,                                                   
                                 WOLFGANG STRICKER, ANDREW DUDA,                                                        
                                              and UDO HELLMANN                                                          
                                                 Appeal 2007-0416                                                       
                                              Application 10/634,330                                                    
                                              Technology Center 1700                                                    
                                            Decided:  January 29, 2007                                                  

                 Before KIMLIN, WARREN, and GAUDETTE, Administrative Patent                                             
                 KIMLIN, Administrative Patent Judge.                                                                   

                                             DECISION ON APPEAL                                                         
                        This is an appeal from the final rejection of claims 2-6 and 8-18.                              
                 Claim 2 is illustrative:                                                                               
                 2. Method for painting plastic substrates, comprising the steps:                                       
                 1.  applying a base coat layer consisting of a colour-and/or effect-                                   
                        imparting base coat directly to the plastic substrate,                                          

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Last modified: September 9, 2013