Ex Parte Wang - Page 6

              Appeal 2007-0488                                                                      
              Application 10/071,809                                                                

              determine that one of ordinary skill in this art would have expected similar          
              results (i.e., zero % etching) for oxygen concentrations greater than 23% in          
              the process of Nojiri.  See Fig. 2 of Nojiri at page 1792.  Appellant admits          
              that the process as claimed is “inconsistent” with the “projection” or                
              extrapolation of the data in Fig. 2 (Reply Br. 4).                                    
                    Additionally, Appellant has not explained how the claimed objective             
              (a selective etch rate of at least 30) can be met by following the process as         
              claimed.  The only example in the Specification does not follow the process           
              as recited in claim 1 on appeal, but includes a “breakthrough etch” using             
              carbon tetrafluoride (Specification 7:17-19).                                         
                    For the foregoing reasons, we determine that the Examiner has                   
              established a prima facie case of lack of enabling disclosure, which case             
              Appellant has not adequately rebutted by arguments or evidence.  Therefore,           
              we affirm the sole rejection on appeal.                                               


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