Appeal 2007-0533 Application 09/930,320 BACKGROUND The present application was the subject of a previous appeal to this board (Appeal 2005-1428, decided Sept. 29, 2005). In that appeal, we affirmed the Examiner’s rejections based on obviousness but designated the affirmances as new grounds of rejection because our reasoning differed from that of the Examiner. Appellants opted to reopen prosecution and amended the claims. The Examiner rejected the amended claims for obviousness and this appeal followed. DISCUSSION 1. CLAIMS Claims 1-11 and 13-29 are pending and on appeal. The claims subject to each rejection have not been argued separately and therefore stand or fall together. 37 C.F.R. § 41.37(c)(1)(vii). We will focus on claims 1, 6, and 24, which read as follows: 1. A method for providing a customized, personal care product to a consumer at a location remote from a second location in which a personal care product base composition is prepared, comprising: (a) providing a selection from a plurality of said personal care base compositions; (b) providing a selection from a plurality of variants from a first class of performance agents, each of said variants being delivered in a first vehicle, said first vehicle for each of said variants having at least two ingredients in common with each other, said first vehicle being compatible with a mixture of said personal care base composition and a second class of performance agents different from the first class; (c) providing a selection from a plurality of variants of said second class of a performance agents, each of said variants being delivered in a second vehicle, said second vehicle for each of said variants having at least two ingredients in common with each other; (d) permitting the consumer to select, in any sequence, said at least one personal care base composition; at least one variant from said first class 2Page: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Next
Last modified: September 9, 2013