Ex Parte Lagler - Page 10

                Appeal 2007-0672                                                                               
                Application 10/399,702                                                                         

                      patentable if the modification was within the capabilities of one                        
                      skilled in the art, unless the claimed ranges “produce a new and                         
                      unexpected result which is different in kind and not merely in                           
                      degree from the results of the prior art.”                                               

                Additionally, as stated in In re Woodruff, 919 F.2d 1575, 1578, 16 USPQ2d                      
                1934, 1936 (Fed. Cir. 1990):                                                                   
                      The law is replete with cases in which the difference between                            
                      the claimed invention and the prior art is some range or other                           
                      variable within the claims. . . .  These cases have consistently                         
                      held that in such a situation, the applicant must show that the                          
                      particular range is critical, generally by showing that the                              
                      claimed range achieves unexpected results relative to the prior                          
                      art range [citations omitted].                                                           
                Claim construction                                                                             
                      Claim 11 of the instant application recites: “a closure for a package of                 
                portable beverages having an opening with a neck rim.”  We construe the                        
                phrase “for a package of portable beverages having an opening with a neck                      
                rim” to be language of intended use.  Therefore, claim 11 is directed to a                     
                closure having a closure body made of a first plastic material and a sealing                   
                element having a deformable collar made of a second plastic material that                      
                protrudes inwardly.  However, claim 11 further recites that the collar of the                  
                closure protrudes inwardly:                                                                    
                             . . . to be realeasably engaged with the neck rim of                              


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