Ex Parte Lagler - Page 14

                Appeal 2007-0672                                                                               
                Application 10/399,702                                                                         

                we will sustain the rejection of claim 11 under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being                       
                unpatentable over Krueger.                                                                     
                      We will also sustain this rejection as it is directed to claims 12, 13, 16,              
                18, 20, and 21, because the Appellants have not argued the separate                            
                patentability of these claims.                                                                 
                      We will sustain the rejection of claims 11 to 14, 16 to 18, 20, 21, 24 to                
                30 and 35 as being unpatentable over Glover in view of Roeder, because we                      
                have determine that the provision of the sealing element disclosed in Roeder                   
                would not have destroyed the operation of the Glover device but rather                         
                would have added additional sealing ability to the Glover device.                              
                The argued dependent claims                                                                    
                      The Appellant has argued the separate patentability of claims 15, 22                     
                and 23, and, therefore, we will address these claims individually.                             
                      Claim 15 recites that the upper and lower part of the closure is                         
                connected via a hinge.  We have found that Glover discloses the recited                        
                hinge and that the placement of the Roeder sealing element will not destroy                    
                the operation of the Glover closure.  Therefore, we will sustain the rejection                 
                of claim 15 under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being unpatentable over Glover in                         
                view of Roeder.                                                                                
                Claim 22, which recites that a plurality of ribs support the collar                            
                differs from the disclosure of Roeder in that Roeder discloses a bead rather                   
                than a collar to support the collar.  The Appellant has not challenged the                     
                Examiner’s taking of Official Notice of the equivalence of ribs and beads for                  
                their use in the closure art and the finding that the selection of these                       
                equivalents to reinforce a structural element would be within the level of                     


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