Ex Parte Lagler - Page 13

                Appeal 2007-0672                                                                               
                Application 10/399,702                                                                         

                is capable of performing the functions recited in independent claims 11, 24,                   
                33, and 35.                                                                                    
                      Therefore, we will sustain the rejection of claims 11, 24, and 33 under                  
                35 U.S.C. § 102(b) as being anticipated by Theis.  We will also sustain the                    
                rejection as it is directed to claims 12 to 21 and 25 to 35 because the                        
                Appellant has not argued the separate patentability of these claims.                           

                      We have found that Roeder discloses a closure that is not only capable                   
                of performing the functions recited in claims 11 and 35 but is disclosed as                    
                performing these functions.                                                                    
                      Therefore, we will sustain the Examiner’s rejection of claim 11 under                    
                35 U.S.C. § 102(b) as being anticipated by Roeder.  We will also sustain this                  
                rejection as it is directed to claim 12 because the Appellant has not argued                   
                the separate patentability of this claim.                                                      
                      We will also sustain the rejection of claims 11, 12, and 35 under 35                     
                U.S.C. § 103 as being unpatentable over Roeder for the same reasons stated                     
                above in regard to the anticipation rejection noting that anticipation is the                  
                epitome of obviousness.                                                                        
                      We have found that Krueger discloses a closure not only capable of                       
                performing the functions recited in claim 11 but is discloses as performing                    
                these functions.  We note that, contrary to the contentions of the Appellant,                  
                all that is necessary is that Krueger discloses a device that “reads on” the                   
                device claimed.  It is not necessary that the Examiner prove that the Krueger                  
                device obeys the Ideal Gas Law as understood by the Appellant.  Therefore,                     


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