Ex Parte HODGEN - Page 3

                Appeal 2007-0741                                                                                
                Application 09/313,625                                                                          

                       The present invention “relates to a method of using a SERM . . .                         
                postmenopausally, e.g., in hormone replacement therapy to prevent                               
                osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease and breast cancer . . . [while] preventing                 
                the hypothalamus and pituitary from operating in a deranged manner . . .                        
                [by] super[im]posing upon the use of a selective estrogen receptor                              
                modulator, the co-administration of a [ ] progestationally active [compound]                    
                to [post-menopausal] women” (Spec. 4: 8-19), in an amount effective to                          
                modulate the bleeding side effects of the SERM.                                                 
                       Claim 1 is representative of the claimed subject matter:                                 
                       1.  In a method of hormone replacement therapy comprising                                
                             administering an effective amount of a selective estrogen                          
                             receptor modulator to a woman in need of such therapy                              
                             in  order  to  control  and  regulate  estrogenic  impact  on                      
                             estrogen sensitive tissues and organs, the improvement                             
                             which  comprises  additionally  administering  an  agent                           
                             which exhibits progestogenic activity in the woman in an                           
                             amount which is effective to modulate the bleeding side                            
                             effects of the selective estrogen receptor modulator.                              
                       According to the Specification, the “progestationally active” or                         
                “progestogenic” compound may be “progesterone, a synthetic progestin                            
                analog or even an anti-progestin having agonistic activity” and may further                     
                “exhibit both androgenic and progestogenic activity simultaneously[,]” like                     
                levonorgestrel (Spec. 7: 31 to 8: 14).                                                          


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