Ex Parte HODGEN - Page 6

                Appeal 2007-0741                                                                                
                Application 09/313,625                                                                          

                estrogenic effects in others, depending on the particular SERM, the dose, the                   
                regimen, and the endogenous hormonal environment, we are not persuaded                          
                that one of ordinary skill in the art would have had a reason to superimpose a                  
                progestogenic compound on an anti-estrogenic compound.  After all, as                           
                Young teaches, uterine bleeding is a frequent side-effect of combination                        
                estrogen-progestin therapy, despite the presence of the progestin.                              
                       We find that the Examiner has not established a prima facie case that                    
                the claimed invention would have been obvious over the cited prior art, and                     
                we reverse the rejection of the claims under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a).                                


                DICKSTEIN SHAPIRO MORIN & OSHINSKY LLP                                                          
                1177 AVENUE OF THE AMERICAS                                                                     
                41ST FLOOR                                                                                      
                NEW YORK NY 10036-2714                                                                          


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