Appeal 2007-0762 Application 09/822,121 video conferencing system using a camera #14, a plurality of microphones, #12, respectively feeding an audio based locator #70 and a video based locator #60, supplying signals to a camera control module #80 with “camera positioning directives” to direct the camera #14 at the speaker using camera control module #80. Potts indicates “These directives can be partly based on face detection and location analysis performed by a video based locator (or video based detector module) 60”. (Potts 16). The various modules, including the camera positioning device, are described as being electronic components. (Potts 13 top). By use of the audio and video modules, the location of the speaker is detected. (Potts 14). The adjustments, based first on the audio and then refined by video location signals, to the camera positioning device result in the device presenting a revised (refined) image of the speaker centered on him or her. (Potts 14 bottom). 3. The Examiner indicates that the Potts reference does not disclose a stationary image pickup device (camera #14). (Answer 8). Malkin teaches, in the context of camera/microphone devices for video conferencing, the improvement of a stationary camera using electronic pan, tilt, and zoom (EPTZ) instead of the older mechanical pan, tilt, and zoom (MPTZ) in which the camera physically moves through these operations. (Malkin, col. 1 top). Baker, in the same video conferencing context (col. 1, l. 10 ff), likewise teaches using EPTZ (col. 16, l. 12). Presuming that Potts does only teach a 5Page: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Next
Last modified: September 9, 2013