Ex Parte Shaouy et al - Page 10

               Appeal 2007-0987                                                                       
               Application 09/810,992                                                                 
               reasonably interpreted as corresponding to Forecast Pro’s “very short” and             
               “low volume” data quantity characterizations and “volatile” and “sparse”               
               profile element types associated with the Simple Methods and Low Volume                
               Models forecasting techniques.  We also find no persuasive arguments from              
               Appellants that convince us of any error in the Examiner’s establishment of            
               proper motivation (Answer 6) for the proposed combination of Kadowaki                  
               and Forecast Pro.2                                                                     
                     We also make the observation that, in making the obviousness                     
               rejection of claims 1 and 8, the Examiner has relied on Forecast Pro solely            
               for a teaching of the altering and refining of a selection of a personalization        
               engine based on profile element number and type.  It is apparent to us,                
               however, from our own independent review of Forecast Pro, as well as the               
               Examiner’s analysis of Forecast Pro in relation to the anticipation rejection          
               of claims 18-20, that other of the features set forth in appealed claims 1 and         
               8 are also present in Forecast Pro.                                                    
                     For example, we find in Forecast Pro, as did the Examiner, a teaching            
               which corresponds to the claimed passing of a request object with a profile            
               element to an arbiter.  The Examiner, in analyzing previously discussed                
               claim 19, directed attention to item 1 of Forecast Pro which describes the             
               passing of a profile element in the form of user historical data to an expert          
               system, i.e., an arbiter.  Similarly, we find in item 1 of Forecast Pro a              
               disclosure of the analysis of the user historical data to select a particular          
               forecasting technique, i.e., personalization engine.  Accessing content from a         
               2 Although Appellants contend (Reply Br. 6-7) that the Examiner has not                
               responded to Appellants’ arguments attacking the basis for the Examiner’s              
               proposed combination of Kadowaki and Forecast Pro, we find no such                     
               arguments in Appellants’ principal Brief on appeal.                                    

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Last modified: September 9, 2013