Ex Parte Levi et al - Page 6

               Appeal 2007-1183                                                                             
               Application 10/281,706                                                                       

               the claim language “comprising” encompasses the three recited ingredients                    
               as well as all of the non-specified ingredients, it cannot be gainsaid that                  
               claim 8 embraces an untold plethora of puree compositions.  Moreover, as                     
               explained by the Examiner, it would have been a matter of obviousness for                    
               one of ordinary skill in the art to formulate puree compositions having a                    
               wide variety of relative amounts of water, thickener and fruits and/or                       
                      As a final point, we note that Appellants base no argument upon                       
               objective evidence of nonobviousness, such as unexpected results.  While                     
               Appellants state in the Summary at page 5 of the Brief that Examples 1-4 of                  
               the Specification show that “the composition unexpectedly displays                           
               excellent stability characteristics and no flavor loss when kept sealed and at               
               ambient temperature,” Appellants have not discussed the particulars of the                   
               examples in any manner, let alone with the requisite degree of specificity for               
               establishing unexpected results relative to the closest prior art.  It is not                
               within the province of this Board to ferret out Specification data that                      
               supports Appellants’ argument for nonobviousness.                                            
                      In conclusion, based on the foregoing and the reasons well stated by                  
               the Examiner, the Examiner’s decision rejecting the appealed claims is                       
                      No time period for taking any subsequent action in connection with                    
               this appeal may be extended under 37 C.F.R. § 1.136(a)(iv)(effective Sept.                   
               13, 2004).                                                                                   



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