Appeal 2007-1309 Application 10/873,241 characteristics; [9] - the boot is of flexible elastomeric material, being flexible in that the boot can be wrapped around the rail; [10] - the boot-profile lies wrapped around the rail with the under-rail-portion underneath the base of the rail; [11] - either (a) the gauge-portion of the boot lies wedged into the rail-gauge-wedge-angle; or (b) the field-portion of the boot lies wedged into the rail-field-wedge-angle; or (c) both; [12] a boot-web-portion of the boot comprises a column; [13] the configuration of the boot is such that the column is under a vertical compressive stress when the boot lies wedged into the rail; [14] the column is so configured that, when the boot is wedged in the rail, the column is of a shape that is between straight and slightly convex, being only so slightly convex that the wedged-in column is stressed in compression, rather than in bending or buckling. THE REJECTION The Examiner relies upon the following as evidence of unpatentability: Ortwein US 5,788,153 Aug. 4, 1998 Claims 10 and 11 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 102(b) as anticipated by Ortwein. 3Page: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next
Last modified: September 9, 2013