Ex Parte Patullo et al - Page 23

              Appeal 2007-1315                                                                                              
              Application 09/828,437                                                                                        

         1    (CCPA 1959), distinguishing Ratti.  In this case, modifying Jones by substituting                             
         2    Among’s tour travel package for Jones’ piece by piece travel package still operates                           
         3    on the principles of both Jones and Among, and the combination produces travel                                
         4    option listings in response to travel parameters, as needed in Jones, Among, and                              
         5    the claimed invention.                                                                                        
         6        Thus, we find the Appellants’ arguments unpersuasive and that the Examiner                                
         7    has shown that as to the independent claims, all of the claim limitations are found                           
         8    in the combined teachings of Among and Jones, and that it would have been                                     
         9    obvious to a person of ordinary skill in the art to have combined Among and Jones                             
        10    to arrive at the claimed subject matter.                                                                      
        12                                         Dependent Claims                                                         
        13    Application of Among and Jones to the Dependent Claims                                                        
        14 Claims 2 and 14                                                                                                  
        16        The Appellants separately argue claims 2 and 14 together, which call for room                             
        17    pricing and airfare category contents in the printed listing.                                                 
        18        The Examiner found that Jones shows listing room accommodations and                                       
        19    pricing, but not with airfare categories and that Among shows individual package                              
        20    component prices which include airline price data and hotel price data, and that                              
        21    suboptions are generated and priced for selected travel components.  The Examiner                             
        22    concluded that it would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill to combine                                 
        23    Among’s package components with the travel planning disclosure of Jones since                                 
        24    this would have allowed the customer to see that the customer is getting a better                             


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