Ex Parte Patullo et al - Page 24

              Appeal 2007-1315                                                                                              
              Application 09/828,437                                                                                        

         1    discount by booking flights and accommodations together in a package as opposed                               
         2    to making several independent reservations.  (Answer 12-13).                                                  
         3        The Appellants contend that Among teaches that the server compiles the                                    
         4    suboption prices, and then returns a lowest priced option (although several lowest                            
         5    price options might be returned).  Therefore, a complete package price is returned;                           
         6    not a breakdown of individual package component prices (Br. 28-29).                                           
         7        As we concluded above, no patentable weight is afforded the contents of the                               
         8    listing, and so these limitations will not define the claims over the art applied.  But                       
         9    even were patentable weight given to these nonfunctional descriptive material                                 
        10    limitations, Among states that it gives the potential buyer the ability to instantly                          
        11    mix and match suboptions for various components, and then easily mix and match                                
        12    additional suboptions for other components to compare price conveniently (FF 11).                             
        13    Jones shows listing room information (07) and one or more airfare category fares                              
        14    (FF 05).  Clearly mixing and matching Jones’ fares according to Among would                                   
        15    arrive at the claimed combination, which one of ordinary skill could implement as                             
        16    a predictable variation, and would see the benefit of doing so.                                               
        17        Therefore, we find the Appellants’ arguments unpersuasive.                                                
        18        The Appellants have not separately argued claims 3 and 11, which depend                                   
        19    from claim 2, and claims 15 and 23, which depend from claim 14, and they are                                  
        20    therefore treated as part of this group.                                                                      
        22    Claims 4 and 16                                                                                               


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