Ex Parte Patullo et al - Page 28

              Appeal 2007-1315                                                                                              
              Application 09/828,437                                                                                        

         1    Claims 12 and 24                                                                                              
         2        The Appellants separately argue claims 12 and 24 together, which call for                                 
         3    generating a confirmed travel arrangement listing without receipt of payment, and                             
         4    that the contents of the listing show amounts due net of agency commission.                                   
         5        The Examiner found that Jones discloses a method and system further                                       
         6    comprising generating a confirmed travel arrangement without receipt of payment                               
         7    for the travel arrangement (Jones, ¶ [0056]). (Answer 17-18.)  The Examiner                                   
         8    further found that, because Jones does not show a payment in Fig. 7, referred to in                           
         9    this portion of Jones, this process is without receipt of payment (Answer 49), and                            
        10    that the amounts shown as due by service providers would have been net of                                     
        11    commission to avoid double billing (Answer 50).                                                               
        12        The Appellants contend that the combination of Jones and Among fails to                                   
        13    disclose the claim features.  They contend that the Examiner-cited paragraph                                  
        14    [0056] in Jones fails to disclose generating a confirmed travel arrangement as per                            
        15    the claim, but instead, merely discusses the use of an itinerary, which can be                                
        16    altered by a user, and for which is provided additional information, including maps                           
        17    and/or restaurants.  (Br. 31-32.)                                                                             
        18        As we concluded above, no patentable weight is afforded the contents of the                               
        19    listing, and so these limitations will not define the claims over the art applied.  But                       
        20    even were patentable weight given to the nonfunctional descriptive material                                   
        21    limitations, Among sends confirmed arrangements to both the travel agent and                                  
        22    traveler (FF 14).                                                                                             
        23        Since Among is creating a tour package, having the agent submit the individual                            
        24    component payments is a predictable manner of payment. Since such payments                                    
        25    necessarily come from the agent, the amounts due would be net of the agent’s                                  

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