Ex Parte Pearlman et al - Page 3

                Appeal 2007-1770                                                                             
                Application 10/632,289                                                                       
                layer, respectively, wherein two source locations of the three source                        
                locations for each of the second and third exposure steps are asymmetrically                 
                located with respect to the inner source positions.                                          
                      The Examiner relies on the following prior art references to show                      
                Yamazaki EP 0,146,226 Jun. 26, 1985                                                          
                LaPeruta US 6,013,400 Jan. 11, 2000                                                          
                      The Examiner rejects claims 1-8 and 13-20 under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a)                     
                as being unpatentable over LaPeruta in view of Yamazaki.                                     
                      Appellants organize their arguments under separate headings, each                      
                heading listing a group of claims.  For each group, Appellants point out that                
                LaPeruta does not describe what is claimed, further point out that LaPeruta                  
                uses only two source locations to expose the photoresist, and contend that                   
                the claims are, therefore, patentable over LaPeruta.  Appellants then contend                
                that Yamazaki teaches away from what is claimed by disclosing that three                     
                equidistant source locations be used for exposing the stripes of light                       
                absorbing material, and, therefore, the claims are patentable over Yamazaki.                 
                Finally, Appellants contend that “since LaPeruta et al. discloses a method of                
                manufacturing a light-absorbing matrix for a cathode ray tube in which each                  
                of first, second and third guardbands [of light-absorbing material] are                      
                formed using only two source locations for each of first, second and third                   
                exposure steps and Yamazaki et al. discloses using three equidistant source                  
                locations for exposing the stripes of light absorbing material, the                          
                combination of these references does not describe Appellants' method” as                     
                recited the claims (Br. 10; see also Br. 14, 18, 22, and 24-25).                             
                      For each group of claims, the Examiner contends that the claimed                       
                subject matter is suggested by the combination of prior art because LaPeruta                 


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