Ex Parte Rodriguez et al - Page 3

               Appeal 2007-2220                                                                             
               Application 09/896,231                                                                       
               Kitsukawa                 US 2001/0013125 A1        Aug. 9, 2001                             
                                                                   (filed Apr. 12, 2001)                    
               Aggarwal                  US 6,631,413 B1           Oct. 7, 2003                             
                                                                   (filed Jan. 28, 1999)                    
               Hassell                   US 2004/0128685 A1        Jul. 1, 2004                             
                                                                   (effectively filed Sep.                  
                                                                   17, 1998)                                
               Rodriguez                 US 2005/0071882 A1        Mar. 31, 2005                            
                                                                   (effectively filed Jun. 9,               
               Okamoto                   US 6,901,385 B2           May 31, 20052                            

                   1. Claims 1-4, 19, 20, 22-24, 62-65, 67-69, 72, and 74 stand rejected                    
                      under 35 U.S.C. § 102(e) as being anticipated by Rodriguez.                           
                   2. Claims 1, 5, and 633 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as                       
                      unpatentable over Haddad and Hooper.                                                  
                   3. Claim 6 stands rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as unpatentable over                 
                      Haddad and Greenwood.                                                                 
                   4. Claims 7-18, 21, 26-50, and 53-61 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C.                      
                      § 103(a) as unpatentable over Haddad, Hassell, and Seazholtz.                         

               2 This reference is a Continuation-in-part of App. No. 09/506,098, filed Feb.                
               17, 2000.                                                                                    
               3 Although the Examiner indicates that only claim 5 is rejected in the                       
               statement of the rejection, the Examiner nevertheless specifically refers to                 
               independent claims 1 and 63 in the text of the rejection (Answer 6-7).  We                   
               therefore presume that the Examiner intended to include claims 1 and 63 in                   
               this rejection.                                                                              

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