Ex Parte Rodriguez et al - Page 10

               Appeal 2007-2220                                                                             
               Application 09/896,231                                                                       
               specifically refers to these claims in connection with the obviousness                       
               rejection of claim 5.  Therefore, notwithstanding the Examiner’s statement                   
               of anticipation, we nevertheless presume that the Examiner intended to                       
               include independent claims 1 and 63 in the obviousness rejection of claim                    
                      Appellants have not disputed the Examiner’s reliance on Hooper for                    
               the specific limitations of claim 5.  Rather, Appellants dispute the                         
               Examiner’s position that Haddad teaches all limitations of independent                       
               claims 1 and 63, namely that the processor uses reallocated excess on-                       
               demand infrastructure capacity (Br. 6-7, 10-11; Reply Br. 3-4).  We                          
               therefore confine our discussion to these disputed limitations as they pertain               
               to the Haddad reference.                                                                     
                      We agree with the Examiner (Answer 28) that Haddad reasonably                         
               teaches using reallocated excess on-demand infrastructure capacity as                        
               claimed.  Haddad indicates that in most audio-visual distribution systems,                   
               consumer demand peaks in the early evening which taxes the distribution                      
               network.  Haddad’s system, however, allows the distributor to deliver                        
               requested programs during off-peak hours, thereby shifting much of the                       
               demand away from the peak hours (Haddad, col. 2, ll. 34-44).                                 
                      To this end, Haddad’s system considers not only the variable time                     
               allowance interval that the subscriber selects, but also the available                       

               7 That Haddad may happen to anticipate some or all of the claims in an                       
               obviousness rejection does not otherwise negate its applicability.  See In re                
               Meyer, 599 F.2d 1026, 1031 (CCPA 1979) (noting that obviousness                              
               rejections can be based on references that happen to anticipate the claimed                  
               subject matter).                                                                             

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