Ex Parte Rodriguez et al - Page 12

               Appeal 2007-2220                                                                             
               Application 09/896,231                                                                       
               persuasively rebutted the Examiner's prima facie case.  The rejection is                     
               therefore sustained.                                                                         

                                    Claims 7-18, 21, 26-50, and 53-61                                       
                      We next consider the Examiner’s rejection of claims 7-18, 21, 26-50,                  
               and 53-61 under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as unpatentable over Haddad, Hassell,                     
               and Seazholtz.  Regarding this rejection, Appellants raise two main                          
                      First, regarding claims 15-18, Appellants contend that a claimed                      
               limitation (i.e., “using reallocated excess on-demand infrastructure                         
               capacity”) purportedly did not receive an examination in the Final Office                    
               Action since that office action referenced language no longer in the claims                  
               as amended.  As a result, Appellants assert that the finality of the rejection               
               should be withdrawn (Br. 8).                                                                 
                      Second, Appellants contend that the single patents provided by the                    
               Examiner to support the Official Notice assertions in claims 7, 12, 17, 18,                  
               21, 40, 45, 47, 49, and 61 is insufficient evidence to support a conclusion                  
               that the features in question are well known (Br. 12-13).                                    
                      We will sustain the Examiner’s rejection of claims 7-18, 21, 26-50,                   
               and 53-61.  Regarding Appellants’ first argument, claims 15-18 ultimately                    
               depend on claim 1.9  As we indicated previously, Haddad amply teaches the                    
               limitations of claim 1.10  Although we find Appellants’ argument for                         
               withdrawal of the Final Rejection is directed to a petitionable matter -- not                
               9 Claims 15-18 each depend from claim 14 which, in turn, depends from                        
               claim 10.  Claim 10 depends from claim 7 which, in turn, depends from                        
               claim 1.                                                                                     
               10 See p. 10-11, supra, of this opinion.                                                     


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