Ex Parte Mello et al - Page 13

              Appeal 2007-2240                                                                                           
              Application 09/818,016                                                                                     

         1               planning, information and communication modules, respectively                                   
         2               (Lesaint, figures 1 and 4, col. 6, ll. 50-65, col. 7, ll. 1-30 and 47-55, col.                  
         3               9, ll. 20-44, col. 11, ll. 20-30, wherein the mechanic has a portable                           
         4               interface that operatively allows the mechanic to remotely access                               
         5               information).                                                                                   
         6            03. Lesaint et al. teaches a tracking device that automatically provides                           
         7               information regarding a location of the mechanic and wherein the                                
         8               planning module uses the location information (Lesaint, figures 1,                              
         9               particularly the handheld devices, and 4, col. 8, ll. 35-62, col. 9, ll. 20-                    
        10               42, col. 10, ll. 5-10, col. 11, ll. 10-30, col. 13, ll. 38-45, wherein the                      
        11               system automatically provides status and location information to the                            
        12               planning module, so the schedule can continually be optimized).                                 
        13            04. Lesaint et al. discloses a status module that maintains information                            
        14               regarding a status of a task, the status module periodically updating the                       
        15               status of a task responsive to information from the tracking device                             
        16               (Lesaint, figures 1 and 4, col. 8, ll. 35-62, col. 9, ll. 20-42, col. 10, ll. 5-                
        17               10, col. 1, ll. 10-30, col. 13, ll. 38-45, wherein status information is                        
        18               obtained and periodically updated).                                                             
        19            05. Lesaint et al. discloses a method of automatically and remotely                                
        20               assisting a mechanic, comprising the steps of: (A) automatically                                
        21               planning out a recommended list of tasks for the mechanic to complete                           
        22               during a workday including selectively providing the mechanic an                                
        23               indication of a special service request (Lesaint, figure 4, col. 7, ll. 48-55,                  
        24               col. 9, ll. 15-44, col. 10, ll. 5-25, col.l2, ll. 30-65, col. 26, ll. 55-67, col.               
        25               27, ll. 1-30, which discloses planning a prioritized tour for a mechanic.                       


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