Ex Parte Mello et al - Page 11

              Appeal 2007-2240                                                                                           
              Application 09/818,016                                                                                     

         1    in and taken on the request or if the request should be assigned elsewhere.                                
         2    (Answer 17.)                                                                                               
         3        Thus, the issues pertinent to this appeal are                                                          
         4       • Whether the rejection of claims 1-8 and 10 under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as                                
         5           obvious over Lesaint and Bergeron is proper.  In particular, whether it is                          
         6           proper to combine the references and whether Lesaint does show updating a                           
         7           status of a task responsive to information from a tracking device.                                  
         8       • Whether the rejection of claims 12-16, 18, and 20 under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a)                            
         9           as obvious over Lesaint is proper.  In particular, whether the claimed subject                      
        10           matter of billing, providing information, and accepting an assignment are                           
        11           shown or are otherwise obvious to add to Lesaint.                                                   
        13                            FACTS PERTINENT TO THE ISSUES                                                      
        14        The following enumerated Findings of Fact (FF), supported by substantial                               
        15    evidence, are pertinent to the above issues.                                                               
        16        Lesaint                                                                                                
        17            01. Lesaint is directed toward optimizing the allocation of a plurality of                         
        18               resources to a plurality of tasks, and is particularly suited for use in                        
        19               situations where the availability of resources, and the tasks to be                             
        20               performed, both change dynamically. An example of such a situation is                           
        21               the allocation of tasks to a field force of personnel, for example                              
        22               ambulance or taxi drivers, a vehicle repair call-out field force, or a                          
        23               maintenance field force for a distributed system such as an electricity or                      


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