Ex Parte Mello et al - Page 4

              Appeal 2007-2240                                                                                           
              Application 09/818,016                                                                                     

         2                                             ISSUES                                                            
         3        With respect to the obviousness rejection over Lesaint and Bergeron, the                               
         4    Examiner finds that Lesaint discloses a system for automatically and remotely                              
         5    assisting a mechanic, with a planning module that automatically plans out a                                
         6    recommended list of tasks for the mechanic to complete during a workday; an                                
         7    information module that automatically provides the mechanic information                                    
         8    regarding items associated with the recommended routine; a communication                                   
         9    module that facilitates communication between the mechanic and a base location                             
        10    for providing a mechanic an indication of a special service request and for allowing                       
        11    the mechanic to communicate to indicate whether the mechanic accepts the                                   
        12    assignment to the base location; and a portable mechanic interface that is operative                       
        13    to allow the mechanic to remotely access information from the planning,                                    
        14    information and communication modules, respectively. (Answer 4-5.)                                         
        15        The Examiner finds that while Lesaint discloses a field force mechanic for                             
        16    performing tasks and the system for said mechanic that includes the elements                               
        17    recited above, Lesaint does not expressly disclose that the mechanic is an elevator                        
        18    mechanic.  Furthermore, while Lesaint discloses prioritizing tasks and reallocating                        
        19    tasks, the mechanic being able to take absence on short notice, and two-way                                
        20    communication between a portable device and a base location, Lesaint does not                              
        21    expressly disclose allowing a mechanic to selectively accept an assignment of the                          
        22    special service request. (Answer 5.)                                                                       
        23        To overcome the assignment acceptance deficiency, the Examiner finds that                              
        24    Bergeron discloses communicating an assignment with a remote mechanic or                                   
        25    engineer and allowing a mechanic to selectively accept an assignment of the                                


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