Ex Parte Mello et al - Page 14

              Appeal 2007-2240                                                                                           
              Application 09/818,016                                                                                     

         1               Lesaint, col. 5, ll. 15-35, wherein a mechanic is selectively provided a                        
         2               schedule that considers the priority (special request) of the request when                      
         3               the scheduling and providing occurs); (B) automatically providing the                           
         4               mechanic information regarding items associated with the recommended                            
         5               routine responsive to an inquiry from the mechanic (Lesaint, at least                           
         6               figures 1 and 4, col. 6, ll. 50-65, col. 7, ll. 1-30 and 47-55, col. 9, ll. 20-                 
         7               44, col. 11, ll. 20-30, which discloses providing the mechanic with                             
         8               information regarding the routine to be performed); (C) facilitating                            
         9               remote communication between the mechanic and a base location                                   
        10               whereby the mechanic is able to access information regarding the                                
        11               recommended list of step (A) and the information of step 03) (Lesaint, at                       
        12               least figures 1 and 4, col. 6, ll. 50-65, col. 7, ll. 1-30 and 47-55, col. 9, ll.               
        13               20-44, col. 11, ll. 20-30, which discloses a communication module that                          
        14               facilitates remote communication); and (D) determining whether the                              
        15               mechanic accepts an assignment of a special service request (Lesaint,                           
        16               col. 5, ll. 15-35, wherein the system determines whether the assigned                           
        17               mechanic has called in and accepted the request or if the request should                        
        18               be assigned elsewhere).                                                                         
        19            06. None of these findings in FF 01-05 are disputed by the Appellants.                             
        20        Bergeron                                                                                               
        21            07. Bergeron is directed toward the dispatch of resources, and more                                
        22               particularly to the dispatch of field service engineers to remote sites, and                    
        23               solving the problem of dispatching of resources, which can be broken                            
        24               down into three parts; the identification of locations requiring the                            
        25               resources, the proper selection of resources for assignment to the                              


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