Michigan Compiled Laws § 460.1071 Proposed Energy Optimization Plan; Filing; Time Period; Goal; Combining With Renewable Energy Plan; Provisions; Limitation On Expenditures.

460.1071 Proposed energy optimization plan; filing; time period; goal; combining with renewable energy plan; provisions; limitation on expenditures.

Sec. 71.

(1) A provider shall file a proposed energy optimization plan with the commission within the following time period:

(a) For a provider whose rates are regulated by the commission, 90 days after the commission enters a temporary order under section 171.

(b) For a cooperative electric utility that has elected to become member-regulated under the electric cooperative member regulation act, 2008 PA 167, MCL 460.31 to 460.39, or a municipally-owned electric utility, 120 days after the commission enters a temporary order under section 171.

(2) The overall goal of an energy optimization plan shall be to reduce the future costs of provider service to customers. In particular, an EO plan shall be designed to delay the need for constructing new electric generating facilities and thereby protect consumers from incurring the costs of such construction. The proposed energy optimization plan shall be subject to approval in the same manner as an electric provider's renewable energy plan under subpart A. A provider may combine its energy optimization plan with its renewable energy plan.

(3) An energy optimization plan shall do all of the following:

(a) Propose a set of energy optimization programs that include offerings for each customer class, including low income residential. The commission shall allow providers flexibility to tailor the relative amount of effort devoted to each customer class based on the specific characteristics of their service territory.

(b) Specify necessary funding levels.

(c) Describe how energy optimization program costs will be recovered as provided in section 89(2).

(d) Ensure, to the extent feasible, that charges collected from a particular customer rate class are spent on energy optimization programs for that rate class.

(e) Demonstrate that the proposed energy optimization programs and funding are sufficient to ensure the achievement of applicable energy optimization standards.

(f) Specify whether the number of megawatt hours of electricity or decatherms or MCFs of natural gas used in the calculation of incremental energy savings under section 77 will be weather-normalized or based on the average number of megawatt hours of electricity or decatherms or MCFs of natural gas sold by the provider annually during the previous 3 years to retail customers in this state. Once the plan is approved by the commission, this option shall not be changed.

(g) Demonstrate that the provider's energy optimization programs, excluding program offerings to low income residential customers, will collectively be cost-effective.

(h) Provide for the practical and effective administration of the proposed energy optimization programs. The commission shall allow providers flexibility in designing their energy optimization programs and administrative approach. A provider's energy optimization programs or any part thereof, may be administered, at the provider's option, by the provider, alone or jointly with other providers, by a state agency, or by an appropriate experienced nonprofit organization selected after a competitive bid process.

(i) Include a process for obtaining an independent expert evaluation of the actual energy optimization programs to verify the incremental energy savings from each energy optimization program for purposes of section 77. All such evaluations shall be subject to public review and commission oversight.

(4) Subject to subsection (5), an energy optimization plan may do 1 or more of the following:

(a) Utilize educational programs designed to alter consumer behavior or any other measures that can reasonably be used to meet the goals set forth in subsection (2).

(b) Propose to the commission measures that are designed to meet the goals set forth in subsection (1) and that provide additional customer benefits.

(5) Expenditures under subsection (4) shall not exceed 3% of the costs of implementing the energy optimization plan.

History: 2008, Act 295, Imd. Eff. Oct. 6, 2008

Compiler's Notes: Enacting section 1 of Act 295 of 2008 provides:"Enacting section 1. As provided in section 5 of 1846 RS 1, MCL 8.5, this act is severable."In subdivisions (a) and (b) of subsection (1), the references to "section 171" evidently should read "section 191".

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Last modified: October 10, 2016