Michigan Compiled Laws § 460.1091 Alternative Compliance Payment.

460.1091 Alternative compliance payment.

Sec. 91.

(1) Except for section 89(6), sections 71 to 89 do not apply to a provider that pays the following percentage of total utility sales revenues, including electricity or natural gas commodity costs, each year to an independent energy optimization program administrator selected by the commission:

(a) In 2009, 0.75% of total retail sales revenues for 2007.

(b) In 2010, 1.0% of total retail sales revenues for 2008.

(c) In 2011, 1.5% of total retail sales revenues for 2009.

(d) In 2012 and each year thereafter, 2.0% of total retail sales revenues for the 2 years preceding.

(2) An alternative compliance payment received from a provider by the energy optimization program administrator under subsection (1) shall be used to administer energy efficiency programs for the provider. Money unspent in a year shall be carried forward to be spent in the subsequent year.

(3) The commission shall allow a provider to recover an alternative compliance payment under subsection (1). This cost shall be recovered from residential customers by volumetric charges, from all other metered customers by per-meter charges, and from unmetered customers by an appropriate charge, applied to utility bills.

(4) An alternative compliance payment under subsection (1) shall only be used to fund energy optimization programs for that provider's customers. To the extent feasible, charges collected from a particular customer rate class and paid to the energy optimization program administrator under subsection (1) shall be devoted to energy optimization programs and services for that rate class.

(5) Money paid to the energy optimization program administrator under subsection (1) and not spent by the administrator that year shall remain available for expenditure the following year, subject to the requirements of subsection (4).

(6) The commission shall select a qualified nonprofit organization to serve as an energy optimization program administrator under this section, through a competitive bid process.

(7) The commission shall arrange for a biennial independent audit of the energy optimization program administrator.

History: 2008, Act 295, Imd. Eff. Oct. 6, 2008

Compiler's Notes: Enacting section 1 of Act 295 of 2008 provides: "Enacting section 1. As provided in section 5 of 1846 RS 1, MCL 8.5, this act is severable."

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Last modified: October 10, 2016