* 887. Implementation of services. 1. Not later than six months from the effective date of this article, the office shall establish the permit information, coordination, and assistance services provided for in section eight hundred eighty through section eight hundred eighty-five of this article, except as otherwise provided in subdivision three of this section.
2. Services so rendered by the office shall be made available without charge, provided that nothing contained herein shall relieve an applicant of any part of the fees or charges established for the review and approval of permit applications or relieve an applicant of any of the apportioned costs of a consolidated hearing conducted under section eight hundred eighty-five of this article.
3. Under its rules the office shall provide for the implementation of the master application procedure contained in section eight hundred eighty-one of this article and shall specify the permits to which the master application procedure is applicable. Prior to the adoption of any rule relating to the inclusion, exclusion, or addition of permits to which the master application procedure is applicable, the office shall give notice of such rule and hold a public hearing thereon.
4. Each state agency having jurisdiction of any permit to which the master application procedure is applicable shall designate an officer or employee to act as permit liaison officer to cooperate with the office in carrying out the provisions of this article.
* NB Authority of office terminated per 893 December 31, 1995
Last modified: February 3, 2019